at least one of these questions gets asked LITERALLY EVERY OTHER DAY. So, I figured I’d create this to answer FOR THOSE WONDERING

Can I touch your hair?
Nah, but I'm glad you asked first.

How tall are you?
6’5 (Without the hair).

How do you sleep at night with your hair?
I lay my head down on my pillow…

What's your haircut called?
Hi-Top Fade/Flat Top. Not mushroom head, eraserhead, or the Marge Simpson.

How do you wear hats?
I don’t... but from time to time, i’ll rock a visor.

How does your hair stay up like that?

You're probably too young to know who Kid 'N Play is huh?
Nah, I know exactly who they are. Oh la Oh la eh!

Have you seen the House Party movies? You look like a guy on there.
Yes, although the first one came out before I was born, the original is still my favorite movie.

Random Facts

My hi-top fade went viral on Instagram after my college graduation. It ended up at almost 180,000 likes after I cut the top of my cap for my hair to fit through.

website meme pic.jpg

My homie Billy and I created a group of brothas with fades including Benny Harlem, Will Smith, Myself, Kid and Iman Shumpert. Kid reposted the art to his IG showing love.
